Sunday, November 29, 2009


What I found interesting this weekend was the poem about the power of the pen and the comparison between the pen and the tools that the narrator's father had used. On the discussion board, we talked a little about trying to live up to our parent's expectations, trying to surpass their level of success, trying to give our kids more than what we had and I just couldn't stop thinking about that this weekend while surrounded by my family. I watched me and my siblings try to parent our children as our parents still tried to parent us and how somethings are traditions that we want to keep and some we just want to let go. However, as I see change trying to occur, I also see a sort of mourning for the things that are going away. A pen for a spade.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Deep thinking...

I really enjoyed this week's postings. I liked seeing the poem that everyone picked as their highlight piece and then reading reactions. I truly love how we can all have a different opinion that fits together in a larger picture.

I posted this on one of the boards this week but it is something I have been thinking about quite a bit. We just finished reading "Cyrano De Bergerac" in class and the character continually speaks out against comprimise. I admire that because I think comprimise might be like change and it happens just a little at a time and then one day you realize where you are at is what you used to hate. I admire Auden because I think he wrote what he felt, even if he knew that others wouldn't like it and I guess that is how we create change and change comprimise.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Running around like crazy...

I'm reminded once more that I like having blogs as a class assignment because it forces me to set down and write. Yes, for a class but more reflective and personal than in normal situations.

I'm really enjoying reading Auden's poetry. I mentioned on the discussion board that the simplistic more traditional style reminds me of Frost and I think that endeared him to me becaue Frost was the first poet that I really "got". What stands out to me concerning Auden is how he says what he feels even if it is uncomfortable. The poem about Freud was brave because Freud was controversial. I really like that he eulogized people who made a statment and with that he made a statment. We write not just to write but to make a difference.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm beginning to think that reading Eliot is a an act in perseverance and the more I read the poetry, the more I "get" it. "The Hollow Man" was such an eye opening experience for me this week. I connected with the piece and I believe that is what is supposed to happen with poetry--at least that is what I tell my students.

With the reading, I'm not sure if I got what Eliot was wanting me to get, but I connected with it. I mentioned in my post that the hollow men reminded me of those who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and wander our world trying to find meaning. For me, in those lines, I read what my brother had been trying to say to me. I understood a little more and though I still don't know how to make it better--I'm glad I have a better understanding.