Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's 7 A.M. and here I am..

At school in a room full of teenagers with glazed over eyes who are trying to earn credits taht they missed because they slept through class...the things I do for an extra $20. I was here last night until 9 up to my elbows in essays and make up work and only a few short hours and I'm back. Don't get me wrong--I love my job--but sometimes Spring Break looks better than others. Today, I guess my life is pretty ordinary but it's only 8:00.


  1. That's so not fair! How did you get this cool set-up? I couldn't figure it out! And kudos for your dedication. That's one of the reasons I hope never to use my teaching certificate.

  2. Thanks--trial and error is how I did it! I erased it twice on accident! Teaching definetly has its moments both good and not so good :)
