Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Can you pinpoint the second something changes or does it happen so gradually that one day the change catches you by surprise? I can't remember the moment I fell in love with him, I just know that one day I looked at him, tried to imagine my life without him, and realized I was in love with him. I didn't make a choice to love him because I don't know if I had been asked that if I would have said "yes". I knew that love was hard. I did make little choices everyday, like studying with him, having dinner, and allowing him to hear some of my secrets that brought me to that one big moment of realization...

In January my sister was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. She finished her treatments at the end of February and last week we found out my brother has Colon Cancer. There was no gradual change in these situations. One moment life was fine and the next it wasn't.

All of this has made me thing about the choices that I make and with each one wonder if this decison might be the one that will change things completly.


  1. That's so interesting! Change can be scary, especially in such tough times as these. But your last comment makes life seem like such an adventure! You never know what's waiting for you around the corner.

  2. I agree with Katies's words.
    You never know what's waiting for you around the corner. Chin up! and believe in yourself and dream a happy future.

  3. You have a great outlook!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

  4. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
