Friday, April 17, 2009


This week I found my self living for friday and I hate it when I do that. I truly want to enjoy each day, but it seems like there is so much to do and so little time to do it that life just passes by in a frenized moment. Teaching is hard. There are so many papers to grade, lesson plans to write, kids to calm down, state tests to give, and paperwork to fill out that sometimes I don't feel like I get to teach and then real life gets in the way. My sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in January; she made it through surgery and the one really big dose of radiation and honestly we thought that was enough. Then my brother got sick. Thirty years old and he has cancer in his colon, his liver, his lymph nodes, and maybe his pancrease. His been given anywhere from 3 months to 5 years to live. The crazy thing is that he is finally pulling his life back together. He was accpeted into a two year PTSD clinic, but now he doesn't think he even has two years. It just seems wrong that both my siblings have been diagnosed with cancer in the last four months. I feel guilty and helpless.

All of that was really whiny...but I feel better after getting it all out on "paper".

1 comment:

  1. I hope this blog is a good place to help alleviate your agony...
