Friday, April 24, 2009


I am fortunate to have my grandparents still in my life. My entire life they have given me unconditional love and support. When my mom and I were broke, they bought me school clothes. When I had a speech tournament, they showed up to watch me. When I fell apart, their home was open to me. I just walk in and feel safe. I wonder how they do that?

My grandpa turns 80 today. He's smart and funny and full of life. We talk every night just to check in. A couple of weeks ago, we had an arguement and I was totally freaked out about it, but he still called me the next day. He tells me the truth whether I want to hear it or not and he will always be there!

Happy 80th, Grandpa!


  1. I still have my grandparents from my mothers side. I don't know what I would do without my grandma! She is just like your grandpa and is always there for me. There are things she knows about me that would probably shock my mom! =)

  2. That's so neat! I want to have that kind of relationship with my grandkids someday!
